Maintenance Program


Make sure that your Estate Plan remains current and relevant


Features of the Maintenance Program

  1. A DocuBank account to hold clients' important estate planning documents in a digital format;
  2. Uploading of existing Health Care and Estate Planning Documents to DocuBank Account(s);
  3. At client request, uploading of future Health Care and Estate Planning Documents to DocuBank Account(s);
  4. Annual update of Trust Funding and Schedules;
  5. Annual Review Consultation;
  6. Annual Seminar on your Estate Planning Portfolio and Changes in the Law;
  7. Up to three (3) changes to Power of Attorney documents, Advance Health Care Directives, HIPAA Waivers and Beneficiary Designations for Non-Trust Assets per year;
  8. 25% discount on Trust Amendments and Trust Restatements;
  9. Free Notary Services for ANY type of document (appointment required).




